May 22nd 2017: Berlin, here we come

Opening ceremony of the Federal Model Program

“Starke Netzwerke – Elternbegleitung für geflüchtete Familien”
Strong networks – Parent guidance for refugee families

A Federal Model Program that lasts for 4 years – and we have the opportunity to be a part of it!


Uta Linß from the Klara Family Center,

Irene Schumacher from Kommunikation & Medien e. V. and

Monika Blüm from the Evangelischer Kindergarten der Lutherkirche

start the trip to Berlin and into this joint Freiburg project as experienced cooperation partners.


We are glad
– that families in our social environment can benefit from this program.
– to receive a positive feedback to our idea from others, as well.
– and look forward to having a productive time until the end of 2020!