Parent guidance for locals and non-natives The project “Familienchance-Freiburg” is supported in the framework of the Federal Model Program “Starke Netzwerke – Elternbegleitung für geflüchtete Familien” by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. This project is about developing chances to help families find their way in the German educational system. Together with refugee families we would like to find out what families want, what would be helpful for them, if there are similarities, how do these look like, what differences we perceive and how we can learn from and with each other. We designed this learning project together with our cooperation partners “Kommunikation & Medien” and the “Evangelischer Kindergarten der Lutherkirche”. Based on the concept of our “Open Cafés”, we want to create tailored activities to suit the market need until the end of year 2020. The first activity in this project is the Open Café with games and sports, which is very well attended. More infos about the Open Cafés of the Klara Family Center here. The entire process is supervised and documented by our “communication team” and flows into an “Educational guide”, which allows one to access autonomously on-site and in several languages information about educational institutions from daycare up to school, but also educational counseling, family centers, associations, etc.